Author hostwriter_blog

Hostwriter Launches New Chat Boards in Spanish and Arabic on HostWIRE

Para la versión en español vaya más abajo. |  “قم بالتمرير للأسفل للاطلاع على النسخة العربية” ————- Press Release (Berlin, Germany)  1 August 2019 – In an effort to broaden its value for non-English speaking journalists, Hostwriter has added new message… Continue Reading →

Medium Magazin Features Article on Hostwriter

Florian Sturm wrote the article “Digitale Bar für Journalisten,” featured in the 2019#3 issue of Medium Magazin. The article highlights Hostwriter’s fifth anniversary and its history and provides an overview of the organization’s activities.   The article is only available… Continue Reading →

How to Easily Access Hostwriter’s Platform On-the-Go

With the relaunch of Hostwriter’s website as a web application, we’ve made it easier for you to access the platform when you’re on-the-go. You now have the ability to add our app icon to the home screen of your mobile… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Featured on “Öffentliche Räume“ Podcast

Hostwriter is featured on the “Öffentliche Räume in den Medien” (Public Spaces in the Media) episode of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung’s Öffentliche Räume podcast, which introduces listeners to a variety of spaces “where people have access to public goods.” Podcast host Lukasz… Continue Reading →

DARAJ Article on Hostwriter at Dataharvest (in Arabic)

Hostwriter Ambassador Mohammad Bassiki wrote an article on DARAJ about Hostwriter’s “Unbias the News” panel discussion – which he participated on – at the 2019 Dataharvest festival. You can read the entire article in Arabic at this link.

Cross-Border Method for Journalism Detailed by Russian-Language “Sector Four” Publication

Sector Four Editor Анастасия Сечина wrote a detailed summary of the presentation on Cross-Border Journalism as a Method, offered by Hostwriter’s Bernadette Geyer at the recent Civil Society 4.0 Conference organized by Wechange. Sector Four‘s freelance journalists cover regional journalism in Russia,… Continue Reading →

“Hostwriter me permite tener diferentes perspectivas sobre un mismo problema.”

Hostwriter, la red abierta y gratuita que ayuda a periodistas a colaborar de manera transfronteriza – acaba de lanzar su nueva campaña #JoinHostwriter en cinco lenguas para hacerse más conocida en otras partes del mundo. En nuestro último vídeo en… Continue Reading →

“Je pense qu’être membre de Hostwriter est une étape qui pourrait nous aider à surmonter les obstacles relatifs au métier des journalistes.”

“Je pense qu’être membre de Hostwriter est une étape qui pourrait nous aider à surmonter les obstacles relatifs au métier des journalistes. Grâce au journalisme transfrontalier, nous pouvons publier plus d’articles dans mon pays, Madagascar, et à l’extérieur.” Dans cette… Continue Reading →

“Diversity matters!” – Tabea Grzeszyk’s Article Published in Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies

Hostwriter CEO Tabea Grzeszyk authored an article in the June 2019 issue of the Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies. The article, “Diversity matters! How cross-border journalism calls out media bias,” provides a thorough overview of the evolution of… Continue Reading →

#JoinHostwriter | انضم إلينا!

      “Hostwriter is a very important platform for journalists to network and collaborate to produce cross-border investigative reports, especially in conflict and war zones.” Meet Hostwriter Ambassador Mohammad Bassiki, a Syrian investigative journalist and Founder and President of… Continue Reading →

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