Katharina Finke is a German investigative journalist who is covering stories around the world. She works freelance as a “global correspondent” for print and online media (e.g. freitag, Greenpeace Magazine, spiegel.de, Zeit), as well as German speaking television broadcasters (ARD,… Continue Reading →
Global cooperation among journalists – this is our goal with Hostwriter! However, we are aware that this platform needs to be protected against abuse: Supporting colleagues with an advice doesn´t mean to reveal sensitive sources, engaging in research-teams is not… Continue Reading →
Michael Stang has been working as a science reporter since 2005. Based in Cologne the best part of his work is done for different regional and nationwide radio stations in Germany such as “Deutschlandfunk” and stations in Switzerland and Austria…. Continue Reading →
My stay in Beirut is over – time to check out the fruits of the experiment: Has „Hostwriter“-style networking helped me to find stories in Beirut? Have I met protagonists who I wouldn´t have if I relied on news agencies… Continue Reading →
Juliane Metzker works as a freelance print, online and videojournalist for Qantara. She covers stories in the Middle East and will move back to Beirut next year. You can find Juliane on Twitter @J_Metzker. Dear Juliane, welcome to the team!
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