By Hostwriter Ambassador Piotr Drabik Cross-border journalism as a solo effort doesn’t make sense. Taking part in a duet, a quartet or a big group of colleagues from different countries can bring useful networking, interesting research and successful publications. I… Continue Reading →
Hostwriter is pleased to be part of “Summer of Solidarity” – a non-profit collaborative media initiative across wider Europe seeking to document our continent’s human realities in the summer of 2020 – at a unique, once-in-a-lifetime juncture for many people…. Continue Reading →
Nieman Reports published a feature on refugee journalists and included quotes from Hostwriter’s Tabea Grzeszyk, as well as info about our book, Unbias the News: Why diversity matters for journalism. Here’s an excerpt from the article, titled “Refugee Journalists Bring… Continue Reading →
Alicja Peszkowska of The Fix interviewed Hostwriter’s Tina Lee about our book, Unbias the News: Why diversity matters for journalism. Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Amid the US protests and the global conversation about discrimation and representation they sparked, The… Continue Reading →
By Hostwriter Ambassador Daniel Bates One of my first bosses once said to me “you are always learning on this job,” and covering the Jeffrey Epstein case, that was certainly true. I have stuck with this story for years, doing… Continue Reading →
Hostwriter’s Tina Lee, editor-in-chief for the Unbias the News: Why diversity matters in journalism book, talks with the hosts of the Choose Inclusion podcast about the importance of newsroom diversity for ensuring representation of voices and stories that are often… Continue Reading →
A New Emergency Funding Opportunity for Eastern and Southern European Freelance Journalists Applications Accepted Now through 22 June 2020 (Press Release: 26 May 2020) The Coronavirus pandemic has brought considerable human suffering and major economic disruption. The crisis is also… Continue Reading →
Portal IMPRENSA featured an article about Hostwriter’s new COVID-19 Collaboration Wire, which is connecting newsrooms with freelance journalists around the world. Below is an excerpt from the article, which is in Portuguese: Em resposta à crise do novo coronavírus, que… Continue Reading →
As the COVID-19 pandemic has expanded across the world, journalism has been one of the fields that has been heavily impacted. Numerous journalists have lost their jobs or had their hours reduced, while freelancers have seen their commissions precipitously drop… Continue Reading →
Press Release (Berlin, 19 May 2020) Today Hostwriter – a network that helps journalists easily collaborate across borders – in partnership with the European Journalism Centre, announces the launch of a new tool in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,… Continue Reading →
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