Hostwriter’s new book, Unbias the News: Why diversity matters for journalism, is now available for sale in English! The book, which has been called “refreshing” and “entertaining” by reviewers, encompasses views from 31 different journalists spanning the globe, from Brazil… Continue Reading →
Hostwriter’s story – from it’s founding by Tabea Grzeszyk, Tamara Anthony and Sandra Zistl to today – was the focus of an in-depth story on Deutschlandfunk. Hostwriter Ambassador Daniel Bates was also interviewed about his participation on the platform. „Eine… Continue Reading →
Axel Rahmlow with Deutschlandfunk Kultur interviewed Hostwriter CEO and Co-founder Tabea Grzeszyk about our book, Unbias the News: Why Diversity Matters for Journalism. In this radio interview, “Vielvalt für einen besseren Journalismus,” Tabea talks about the importance of diversity in… Continue Reading →
The European Journalism Observatory has included Hostwriter in its report on the growth of collaborative journalism, “Partnerschaft statt Wettbewerb,” and talks about our trainings and workshops on cross-border journalism. Auf der Online-Plattform Hostwriter können sich Journalisten weltweit miteinander vernetzen und über… Continue Reading →
Journalist Ebru Tasdemir reviewed Unbias the News for the Berlin-based daily newspaper taz, calling it “refreshing” and “entertaining.” At the beginning of the year, Hostwriter called on journalists from all over the world to contribute texts to the publication. The result is a… Continue Reading →
€5000 in Awards for Collaborative Journalism Projects (Berlin, Germany) 3 September 2019 – Hostwriter is now accepting applications for its 2019 Hostwriter Prize, which grants €5000 in awards for collaborative journalism projects between members. The deadline to apply for the… Continue Reading →
Hostwriter’s CEO Tabea Grzeszyk was a featured guest on the Podcast, where she was interviewed about our book, Unbias the News: Why Diversity Matters for Journalism. Listen to the interview here.
(Scroll down for English) Hostwriters neues Buch, “Unbias the News: Warum Journalismus Vielfalt braucht,” ist ab sofort über den CORRECTIV Online-Shop erhältlich. “Vielfalt ist keine Frage politischer Korrektheit. Es geht um Qualitätsjournalismus”, sagt Hostwriter CEO und Mitbegründerin Tabea Grzeszyk. Grzeszyk… Continue Reading →
The Dutch Journalism Fund (Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek) published a wonderful article about Hostwriter on its website on 19 August 2019 – “Online netwerk Hostwriter verbindt journalisten uit 152 verschillende landen”. De Duitse Tabea Grzeszyk is net afgestudeerd aan de opleiding… Continue Reading →
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