Category Hostwriter in the News

PressPad Publishes Article on Diversity Written by Tina Lee

Hostwriter’s Tina Lee, head of the Ambassador Network and editor-in-chief of our Unbias the News book, wrote an article for PressPad called, “Diversity is more than meets the eye.” Below is a snippet from the article: When you think of… Continue Reading →

German Journalism Union Publishes Article by Tabea Grzeszyk at ver.di

Hostwriter co-founder and CEO Tabea Grzeszyk contributed an article to the online dossier “In conflict: the media and the AfD,” published by the German Journalism Union (DJU) at ver.di, in which she looks at the implications of reporting on right-wing populist parties… Continue Reading →

It’s All Journalism Podcast Interviews Tina Lee about Unbias the News

In an episode titled, “Diverse newsrooms can act as fact-checking resources,” It’s All Journalism Podcast Producer Michael O’Connell interviews Tina Lee, head of Hostwriter’s Ambassador Network and editor-in-chief of Unbias the News: Why diversity matters in journalism.  They discuss the book… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Ambassador Priscila Pacheco Interviewed by Portal Imprensa

Hostwriter’s Ambassador Priscila Pacheco was recently interviewed by Portal Imprensa, talking about the importance of solutions journalism in Brazil. In the interview, Priscila offers tips for students and journalists interested in the topic of solutions journalism. “ Quando pensar em… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Featured in Story on WDR 5

WDR 5 reporter Dieter Wulf visited the Hostwriter office for this report on the organization. “Über Landes- und kulturelle Grenzen hinweg Journalisten zusammenbringen, die dann gemeinsam recherchieren und Geschichten schreiben. Das ist kurz gefasst die Idee der Online Plattform Hostwriter…. Continue Reading →

Media Voices Podcast Interviews Tina Lee about Unbias the News

Tina Lee, Head of Hostwriter’s Ambassador Network and Editor-in-Chief for our book, Unbias the News: Why Diversity Matters for Journalism, was interviewed on the Media Voices Podcast. “… She explains how the book brings together the voices and experiences of… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter’s History Featured in Deutschlandfunk Report

Hostwriter’s story – from it’s founding by Tabea Grzeszyk, Tamara Anthony and Sandra Zistl to today – was the focus of an in-depth story on Deutschlandfunk. Hostwriter Ambassador Daniel Bates was also interviewed about his participation on the platform. „Eine… Continue Reading →

Deutschlandfunk Kultur Interviews Tabea Grzeszyk about Unbias the News

Axel Rahmlow with Deutschlandfunk Kultur interviewed Hostwriter CEO and Co-founder Tabea Grzeszyk about our book, Unbias the News: Why Diversity Matters for Journalism. In this radio interview, “Vielvalt für einen besseren Journalismus,” Tabea talks about the importance of diversity in… Continue Reading →

European Journalism Observatory Reports on Growth of Collaborative Journalism

The European Journalism Observatory has included Hostwriter in its report on the growth of collaborative journalism, “Partnerschaft statt Wettbewerb,” and talks about our trainings and workshops on cross-border journalism. Auf der Online-Plattform Hostwriter können sich Journalisten weltweit miteinander vernetzen und über… Continue Reading →

“Unbias the News” Reviewed by taz

Journalist Ebru Tasdemir reviewed Unbias the News for the Berlin-based daily newspaper taz, calling it “refreshing” and “entertaining.” At the beginning of the year, Hostwriter called on journalists from all over the world to contribute texts to the publication. The result is a… Continue Reading →

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