Berlin, April 2021

It has long been our dream at Hostwriter to develop a cross-border newsroom highlighting underrepresented stories from around the globe. This April we launched a collaborative cross-border newsroom, Unbias the News. Now we are very proud to announce that Luminate Group has decided to support us with an investment to develop the project:

“To support this forward-thinking approach, Luminate is pleased to award Hostwriter a grant of $100,000 to support the editorial team. The grant will help them to select and commission stories with cross-border relevance that challenge stereotypes and are told by local journalists based in the affected communities. This will include launching an open call for story pitches that are cross-border, complex, narrative-oriented, challenging social norms and dominant narratives, and nuanced in their perspectives. The grant will also support free digital journalism training and peer-to-peer networking for all applicants, regardless of whether their story pitch was accepted. Additionally, the grant will support the Hostwriter team in developing and exploring revenue models to strengthen their financial sustainability.”

Know more: Hostwriter: Empowering the trailblazers telling untold stories through collaborative, cross-border journalism

To learn more about Unbias the News and be among the first to read our stories, please visit