Hostwriter: Geschichten, Kollegen und Sofas zum Übernachten von Nils Franke (This article originally appeared on the site on 18 March 2014.) Wie findet man einen Kollegen in Syrien, der einem jetzt gleich eine Information bestätigen kann? Oder mal in… Continue Reading →
Neues Journalistennetzwerk: Kooperation statt Konkurrenz Von Anna-Maria Wagner Wie Couchsurfing, aber für Journalisten“ – so beschreiben die Gründerinnen von „hostwriter“ ihre Idee für ein neues Portal, das in wenigen Wochen an den Start gehen soll. Die Idee für eine kostenlose,… Continue Reading →
Global cooperation among journalists – this is our goal with Hostwriter! However, we are aware that this platform needs to be protected against abuse: Supporting colleagues with an advice doesn´t mean to reveal sensitive sources, engaging in research-teams is not… Continue Reading →
The journalism students Jana Schmidt and Johanna Hutt from the Bavarian Academy of Television portrayed Hostwriter for their cross media-project “The Future of News“. They met Co-founder Sandra Zistl in Munich and interviewed Senada Sokollu, foreign correspondent of Deutsche Welle in Turkey. The video was first published on January 17th,… Continue Reading →
Robert B. Fishman is a freelance journalist, author, photographer and trainer based in Bielefeld, Germany. He works for German radio stations such as Deutschlandfunk and print media like the globetrotter magazine. Robert B. Fishman´s areas of interest include sustainable economy and investment,… Continue Reading →
Michael Stang has been working as a science reporter since 2005. Based in Cologne the best part of his work is done for different regional and nationwide radio stations in Germany such as “Deutschlandfunk” and stations in Switzerland and Austria…. Continue Reading →
My stay in Beirut is over – time to check out the fruits of the experiment: Has „Hostwriter“-style networking helped me to find stories in Beirut? Have I met protagonists who I wouldn´t have if I relied on news agencies… Continue Reading →
Jamal Saad is a freelance online, radio and TV-journalist. He worked for Deutsche Welle and Qantara as an intern in Bonn, Germany, in 2013. Back in Ramallah, Jamal is our first ambassador for the Palestinian territories – welcome to the Hostwriter… Continue Reading →
Juliane Metzker works as a freelance print, online and videojournalist for Qantara. She covers stories in the Middle East and will move back to Beirut next year. You can find Juliane on Twitter @J_Metzker. Dear Juliane, welcome to the team!
Radio journalist Murat Can Tonbil works as an editor and presenter at Acik Radyo, Istanbul. He joins the Hostwriter-team as ambassador for Turkey. We are happy to have you on board!
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