Tag hostwriter

Get to Know Our 1000th Member!

We present our 1000th member, Bernd Debusmann. Bernd’s BIO He is half-Mexican, half-German and grew up in Mexico City and Washington, DC. WORK: Bernie works at the Khaleej Times in Dubai, one of the most widely circulated English-language newspapers in the GCC. Previously… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Participates @ Impactathon Berlin Feb 7th, 2015

What is an “Impactathon”? And why was Hostwriter invited to the event at Bethaus Berlin? This is how Lily Mathews from Net Impact, San Francisco, explains  it.

New Year, New Team, New Inspiration!

Hostwriter.org held its first annual team meeting in the Social Lab in Kreuzberg, Berlin and discussed the happenings of the last months as well as the strategy for 2015. We proudly present the new extended team: (from left to right)… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter @ enorm Magazin, October 23rd, 2014

“Recherche ohne Grenzen” The enorm Magazin reports about hostwriter as a platform for research without borders. Von Jonathan Widder Auf der Plattform Hostwriter können sich Journalisten mit Kollegen weltweit vernetzen, um erfolgreicher zu recherchieren, hilfreiche Kontakte zu knüpfen und gemeinsame… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter @ journalist/Russia No. 5, 2014

Russian journalist Svetlana Gudkina wrote an article about Hostwriter for the “journalist”-magazine. Enjoy!

Katharina Finke – “Global” Ambassador for Hostwriter

Katharina Finke is a German investigative journalist who is covering stories around the world. She works freelance as a “global correspondent” for print and online media (e.g. freitag, Greenpeace Magazine, spiegel.de, Zeit), as well as German speaking television broadcasters (ARD,… Continue Reading →

L’Entreprise Média Reports on Hostwriter

The French blog L’Entreprise Média de “PR-rooms” liked the concept of Hostwriter but was somewhat critical about our exclusion of PR employees: Hostwriter : quand les journalistes se tournent vers les journalistes par pascaljappy • 04/06/2014 Nous en parlions dans un… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Co-Founders Interviewed by journalism.co.uk

Alastair Reid from journalism.co.uk interviewed co-founder Sandra Zistl & tested Hostwriter from the inside. He explains to his readers: “How hostwriter wants to connect journalists around the world”  The recently launched platform lets vetted journalists contact each other for world-wide… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Featured @ clasesdeperiodismo.com / Lima, Peru

We are very happy to have been published by the Lima-based digital periodical “clases de periodismo”. Our first article in Latin America! Es cierto que nuestra industria es competitiva, y también hay muchos periodistas que trabajan en equipo para lograr obtener… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter – Our First Week Online!

WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING EVERYTHING READY for the launch when Ulrike Langer from the “Digitales Quartett” sent an email to us: “Can you be my surprise-guest at the re:publica?” So the day before the launch, we were… Continue Reading →

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