Tag collaboration

Apply for the Hostwriter Prize 2015! — new deadline August 31st

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Save the Date: Hostwriter at re:publica 15 on May 5th, Berlin

We are part of it: re:publica 15, Europe’s leading conference on Internet and Society, will take place in Berlin. On Tuesday, 5th of May at 5.15 pm, you will find Hostwriter and our international partners on a panel: #rp15: Finding… Continue Reading →

Get to Know Our 1000th Member!

We present our 1000th member, Bernd Debusmann. Bernd’s BIO He is half-Mexican, half-German and grew up in Mexico City and Washington, DC. WORK: Bernie works at the Khaleej Times in Dubai, one of the most widely circulated English-language newspapers in the GCC. Previously… Continue Reading →

The Hostwriter Prize, 4th Place: “Violence in the Central African Republic”

Peter Dörrie (Germany), Simon Allison (South Africa) & Jean-Louis Gondamoyen (Central African Republic) “Collaboration doesn’t enhance our reporting. It alone makes it possible. Our collaboration is designed to go beyond pure utilitarianism and cost-sharing. As a team of three collaborators… Continue Reading →

The Hostwriter Prize: Here come….the finalists!

In the last couple of days, we’ve had one of the toughest jobs in the world. The quality of the applications for the Hostwriter Prize left us ecstatic, though made the task of narrowing it down to potential winners a… Continue Reading →

The Aim of the Hostwriter Prize

For German version please scroll down! The Hostwriter Prize is donated by a foundation called Otto Sprenger Stiftung and honors collaboration in Journalism with up to 5.000 Euros. Tamara Anthony, one of the founders of Hostwriter, is chairwoman of the… Continue Reading →

Hostwriters Wanted for Cross-Border Investigations

“Hello there, Hostwriter! I read about you on Journalism.co.uk and thought I’d write to you straight away.” This is how Johanna Vehkoo, editor-in-chief of Long Play, a digital longform publisher based in Finland,  got in touch with us a couple… Continue Reading →

Katharina Finke – “Global” Ambassador for Hostwriter

Katharina Finke is a German investigative journalist who is covering stories around the world. She works freelance as a “global correspondent” for print and online media (e.g. freitag, Greenpeace Magazine, spiegel.de, Zeit), as well as German speaking television broadcasters (ARD,… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Featured @ clasesdeperiodismo.com / Lima, Peru

We are very happy to have been published by the Lima-based digital periodical “clases de periodismo”. Our first article in Latin America! Es cierto que nuestra industria es competitiva, y también hay muchos periodistas que trabajan en equipo para lograr obtener… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter – Our First Week Online!

WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING EVERYTHING READY for the launch when Ulrike Langer from the “Digitales Quartett” sent an email to us: “Can you be my surprise-guest at the re:publica?” So the day before the launch, we were… Continue Reading →

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