Tag cross-border journalism

Meet the journalists covering urban sea-level rise for The Sinking Cities Project

By Gabriela Ramirez Our team is very proud to introduce to you the selection of local journalists who will be working on the Sinking Cities Project. Chosen from a competitive set of applicants, these six journalists will be covering how… Continue Reading →

Underrepresentation is misrepresentation: Our takeaways from IJF22

By Zahra Salah Uddin Earlier this month, the Hostwriter/Unbias the News team took a much-awaited trip to Perugia, Italy for this year’s International Journalism Festival. What’s normally an annual occurrence took place this year after a break of two years… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter and Unbias The News will be at IJF22

By Gabriela Ramirez From the 6th to the 10th of April, our team will be in Perugia. We are thrilled to be joining the International Journalism Festival 2022 and excited to add our insights on a panel on the topic… Continue Reading →

What is the Sinking Cities Project? Hostwriter’s new move to ‘Unbias’ Climate Journalism

By Gabriela Ramirez In 2021 the article with the word “Sinking City” which had the highest engagement across the internet was not what you might expect. The article is about a video game with the same name. A video game… Continue Reading →

Introducing Hostwriter’s New Dynamic Management Duo: Mercy Abang and Julia Vernersson

By: Gabriela Ramirez Since 2014, Hostwriter has empowered the future of collaborative journalism and enabled journalists to more easily work together across borders. Now, after the departure of co-founder Tabea Grzeszyk as CEO, we have taken the power of collaboration… Continue Reading →

Unbias The News at the European Press Prize: “Activists for quality journalism”

By: Gabriela Ramirez Not many of the journalists and media workers attending the workshop offered by Hostwriter at the European Press Prize 2021 kept sitting when they were asked to stand up if they consider themselves privileged compared to their… Continue Reading →

Unbias the News: Selection of Pitches

By Ankita Anand It’s pouring pitches! A lot of people out there seem to share our mission because our widely circulated calls for pitches got us around 800 entries! With infinite resources, we would have loved nothing more than to… Continue Reading →

“Being here with everyone is a big step”

Unbias the News Kick-Off event spreads the message of collaborative healing and networking to fight for a more equitable, inclusive world of journalism. By Zahra Salah Uddin The team of Hostwriter’s new cross-border newsroom project ‘Unbias the News’ held a… Continue Reading →

Luminate supports Hostwriter to ‘Unbias the News’

Berlin, April 2021 It has long been our dream at Hostwriter to develop a cross-border newsroom highlighting underrepresented stories from around the globe. This April we launched a collaborative cross-border newsroom, Unbias the News. Now we are very proud to… Continue Reading →

Call for Pitches: Hostwriter Launches Remote Cross-Border Newsroom

Berlin/ Hong Kong/ Delhi March 18 2021 Call for Pitches: Hostwriter Launches Remote Cross-Border Newsroom The new Hostwriter newsroom Unbias the News is dedicated to showcasing international journalism that breaks through geographical or structural barriers. Diversity is not a moral… Continue Reading →

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