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Announcing the 2019 Hostwriter Prize Finalists

Hostwriter is pleased to announce the finalists for this year’s Hostwriter Prize awards. Finalists have been sent to a panel of journalists, former Hostwriter Prize-winners, ambassadors and journalism NGO colleagues. We are looking forward to announcing this year’s winners in… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter is a founding member of the German “Non-Profit Journalism Forum”

Berlin, 20 November 2019 Hostwriter is a proud founding member of the German “Forum Gemeinnütziger Journalismus”, a coalition of non-profit journalism organizations and foundations. The group advocates an amendment to the German Tax Code to ensure that the non-profit character… Continue Reading →

It’s All Journalism Podcast Interviews Tina Lee about Unbias the News

In an episode titled, “Diverse newsrooms can act as fact-checking resources,” It’s All Journalism Podcast Producer Michael O’Connell interviews Tina Lee, head of Hostwriter’s Ambassador Network and editor-in-chief of Unbias the News: Why diversity matters in journalism.  They discuss the book… Continue Reading →

Insufficient access to abortion is affecting women in Ecuador and Germany

by Bernarda Carranza, Martin Johaim, Jelena Malkowski Demonstrators pushed against plastic shields of police, who used pepper spray to disperse people in the crowd near the government headquarters in Quito, Ecuador. Several demonstration signs read “Motherhood by choice and not… Continue Reading →

The Path of Solidarity*

Text: Petra VrablicováPhotos: Tiago Bianchi Andrés Velásquez Schwarze is a Chilean journalist with German nationality, who came to Hamburg briefly 5 months ago. I met him and his wife Valentina on an ordinary Tuesday shortly before Christmas. We sat for… Continue Reading →

“You don’t look Brazilian!”: personal views on migration and integrating within Germany

Text and photos by Tiago Bianchi First, a personal insight Having more European physical features than an expected “Latin American face” is how my questions about migration encounter me the strongest. Please don’t understand this necessarily as a complaint, but… Continue Reading →

The Unaccounted Killer: Tracing the dots between toxic masculinity and femicide across four countries

By Karem Nerio, Laura Kabelka, Tanushree Basuroy and Vanessa Fujihira Blindfolded, determined and with a choreography and chant simple but strong enough to spread around the world: The collective “Las Tesis”, in the middle of anti-government protests, took to the… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Ambassador Priscila Pacheco Interviewed by Portal Imprensa

Hostwriter’s Ambassador Priscila Pacheco was recently interviewed by Portal Imprensa, talking about the importance of solutions journalism in Brazil. In the interview, Priscila offers tips for students and journalists interested in the topic of solutions journalism. “ Quando pensar em… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter Featured in Story on WDR 5

WDR 5 reporter Dieter Wulf visited the Hostwriter office for this report on the organization. “Über Landes- und kulturelle Grenzen hinweg Journalisten zusammenbringen, die dann gemeinsam recherchieren und Geschichten schreiben. Das ist kurz gefasst die Idee der Online Plattform Hostwriter…. Continue Reading →

Everything You Need to Know to Apply for the Hostwriter Prize

So, you’ve heard about the Hostwriter Prize but you’re not sure why you should apply or how to do it? This blog post is for you! What Is the Hostwriter Prize? Hostwriter offers the annual Hostwriter Story Prize and Hostwriter… Continue Reading →

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