Tag collaboration

Meet the journalists covering urban sea-level rise for The Sinking Cities Project

By Gabriela Ramirez Our team is very proud to introduce to you the selection of local journalists who will be working on the Sinking Cities Project. Chosen from a competitive set of applicants, these six journalists will be covering how… Continue Reading →

Hostwriter and Unbias The News will be at IJF22

By Gabriela Ramirez From the 6th to the 10th of April, our team will be in Perugia. We are thrilled to be joining the International Journalism Festival 2022 and excited to add our insights on a panel on the topic… Continue Reading →

What is the Sinking Cities Project? Hostwriter’s new move to ‘Unbias’ Climate Journalism

By Gabriela Ramirez In 2021 the article with the word “Sinking City” which had the highest engagement across the internet was not what you might expect. The article is about a video game with the same name. A video game… Continue Reading →

Unbias The News at the European Press Prize: “Activists for quality journalism”

By: Gabriela Ramirez Not many of the journalists and media workers attending the workshop offered by Hostwriter at the European Press Prize 2021 kept sitting when they were asked to stand up if they consider themselves privileged compared to their… Continue Reading →

“Being here with everyone is a big step”

Unbias the News Kick-Off event spreads the message of collaborative healing and networking to fight for a more equitable, inclusive world of journalism. By Zahra Salah Uddin The team of Hostwriter’s new cross-border newsroom project ‘Unbias the News’ held a… Continue Reading →

Survey Results: How Do Hostwriter Members Use the Platform for Collaboration?

A new survey by the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and Freie Universität Berlin has confirmed the value of the Hostwriter platform in fulfilling our mission to power the collaborative future of journalism. The survey, conducted in early 2019,… Continue Reading →

Experiencing Cross-Border Solidarity among Journalists: An Interview with Ludovica Jona

Journalist Ludovica Jona and her team – Caitlin Chandler, Chris Jones, Petra Sorge and Giacomo Zandonini – won 1st Place for the Hostwriter Story Prize in 2019, for the story “Invisible Borders.” The journalistic piece focused on European Union (EU)… Continue Reading →

Arthur Debruyne: How collaborative journalism won us a prize

Journalist Arthur Debruyne shares how together with Nigerian reporter Kolawole Talabi they managed to produce their investigative article Fish for cash: How the EU robs Africa of its seafood, awarded with the 2018 Hostwriter Story Prize. Their article was one of the… Continue Reading →

The Agora Project: Kick-Off in Armenia

Building trust in formal and not so formal environments We’re back from our workshop in Yerevan and couldn’t be happier about how our very first Agora Project kicked off. We selected ten journalists from almost 200 applications to join us. The first phase… Continue Reading →

Vanessa Quirk, Hostwriter Ambassador in New York City

Vanessa is a Columbia journalism grad, a Tow Centre Fellow and has a special knack for podcasting. Get in touch with her for advice/co-authorship or a couch in NYC.

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